
 The 1st step
Soak the paper in water for a day or two and if you want to make it work quick then put some detergent into the water which helps loosen the fibers. After soaking it , churn it in the mixey and remove the excess water from the pulp by draining it out. This might be a task but after the pulp is ready, mixing it with adhesive is not a problem and is quite easy.( if using synthetic glue )


With fevicol ...
 Back in Auroville I had used fevicol to make the prototypes , therefore I started working with fevicol as I knew it will give positive results . While working with fevicol I changed the ratio of the water content to see what happens when its less or more. The result being that if the water content is controlled then the shrinkage is minimal.

news paper pulp with 80% fevicol and 20 % water .

paper pulp with more water content than fevicol.

 news paper pulp mixed with silicone

A4 sheet pulp with fevicol sh

After experimenting with different synthetic adhesive, I decided to move on to natural starch and adhesive. While working with chemical oriented glues, question like health issues , environmental issues arose, which stopped  me from using the chemical glues. My initial idea did not revolve around Eco friendly or green furniture, but as I went along the project, my approach shifted from any other adhesive to non toxin adhesive.
For the further experiment, a 10"x10"x2cm was made out of wood, so that all the tiles are of same dimension for weight testing.

                                 WITH NATURAL GLUES

Rice starch

1 cup rice strach with 4 cups of news paper pulp.
( easily breakable and also attracts lot of fungus)

Natural glue
1 cup of natural glue with 4cups of newspaper pulp.
( strong and does not catch fungus)

Tapioca and Natural glue
1 cup tapioca +1/2 cup natural glue with 4cups of newspaper pulp

( very strong, drys faster than the rest and does not attract fungus. the smell is really strong but when dried in the sun, the smell is gone)

Corn starch
1 1/2 cups of corn starch with 4 cups of newspaper pulp

( very weak and breaks of easily)

 Tapioca -
also known as sabudana. it is  easily available all around India, (Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Nagaland,  Kerala).

1 cup sabudana +4 full hand of pulp 

( strong, does not catch fungus and drys faster. the smell goes away when kept in sun for a day)

Tapioca and rice starch
1cup of tapioca+ 1/2 cup rice starch with 4 cups of news paper pulp.

( catches molds really fast because of the rice starch and smells a lot )